Reviews of my books

The Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies has permitted me to place its reviews of my books on this website:

RamanaReview: This is a review of my book Ramana Maharshi: Interpretations of his Enlightenment (Calgary: Aevum Books, 2015)

AbhishiktanandaReview: This is a review of my book Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux): Christian Nondualism and Hindu Advaita (Calgary: Aevum Books, 2015)

New Research on Groen van Prinsterer and the Idea of Sphere Sovereignty

My recent article, “New Research on Groen van Prinsterer and the Idea of Sphere Sovereignty,”  overturns many of the accepted ideas in reformational philosophy. The article has been accepted for publication by Philosophia Reformata, but will not be published until 2019 0r 2020. Here is the pre-peer-review version of the article, which I am permitted to self-archive on my website at any time.
The final peer-reviewed version, which will be published in future, is even stronger in its conclusions than the article as archived here. Perhaps the most important addition to the final article is the discussion of how sphere sovereignty is not based on the idea that God’s reign extends to every area of life. It is true that Calvinism valued secular work, as opposed to a spiritualistic flight from temporal life. This has been shown by Max Weber in his influential work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1930, originally published 1905). But the idea of a vocation in a secular sphere does not give any basis for the sovereignty of one sphere vis à vis another sphere. Nor does this idea of vocation delineate the spheres in the same way as does the idea of sphere sovereignty. The idea of sphere sovereignty has its source in non-Calvinistic ideas.